
Full Paper Submission

How to submit paper using Easychair

Author Instruction
The submitted manuscript is an original manuscript which is not currently being reviewed in any conferences or journal and has never been published before. The number of manuscript pages collected is a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 8 pages (including tables, figures and references).

Full paper must be written in ENGLISH language. The contents of the manuscript must be written in IConSE Paper Template downloaded from this site.


Submitted manuscripts will go through a review process before being decided by the Program Committee. We will inform the results of the review to the author. If your manuscript is received with revisions, please revise it according to suggestions or comments from reviewers, and re-upload the FULL PAPER version to the Easychair system according to reviewers' comments, before the deadline date.

Full Paper Submission in Easychair
If you don't have an account yet, please create an account at Easychair, please open the following link Easychair
If the author wants to submit a manuscript and has never made a submission in IConSE, please submit a new article via the button "Make New Submission"


Please fill a valid name and email of corresponding author(s) and upload PDF manuscript to complete the submission process. Submitted paper will go through an initial review process before being decided by the Program Committee. We will inform the author of the review results via the official IConSE Program Committee by email.

After SUBMIT is complete, it looks like the below, please wait for the review process from the reviewer.


Revised Paper Submission
If the manuscript is accepted, each author must submit the PDF version of revised paper according to the reviewers' comments via Easychair using menu SUBMISSION and choose "UPDATE FILE"



Each author can change the manuscript using UPDATE FILE in easychair everytime before Camera-ready deadline